Luming Li




1991.09-1996.07 Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Tsinghua University, M.S. & Ph.D. Degree

1986.09-1991.07 Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Tsinghua University, B.S. Degree


The director of National Engineering Laboratory for Neuro-modulation, also the Chair of Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Tsinghua University

Beijing, China, 100084


1996-1998Mechanical Engineering Department, Tsinghua University, Deputy Director, Lecturer

1998-1999Surry Space Center, Surry University, UK

1999-2003Mechanical Engineering Department, Tsinghua University, Associate Professor

2003-2004MechanicalEngineeringDepartment, Tsinghua University, Professor

2004-Institute for Man-Machine-Environment Engineering Research, School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University, Director, Professor

2011-Chair, Aeronautics and Astronautics Depart. School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University, Department Chair, Professor

2012-National Engineering Laboratory for Neuro-modulation, director, Professor


Member of international steering committee of international symposium on applied electromagnetics(ISEM)

Founder member of Alliance for Innovations in Neural Technology

IEEE Associate Membership

Expert group member of china's manned space development strategy and advance research in space medicine

Expert Committee member of Lunar Exploration Science Applications

Vice President of Chinese Neuromodulation Society

Vice President of space medicine and space biology society of China

Vice chairman of Electrical nerve stimulation for Research and Treatment of Beijing Key Laboratory Academic Committee

Vice President of Nondestructive Testing Society of China


Prof. Li’s research interests include implantable technology and neuromodulation. He leads a multi-disciplinary group, and is devoted to provide the best neuromodulation treatment for patients in developing countries as well as the whole world. His group designed and fabricated the first deep brain stimulation devices in China. The first Chinese brain pacemaker they developed were certificated by Chinese FDA in 2013 after more than ten years R&D. He also led the group to design and fabricate the first implant-rechargeable neuromodulation device in China, which was certificated in July, 2014. To date, these devices have already been used in more than 71 hospitals in China. Recently, his group further succeeded in developing several cutting-edge brain stimulation technologies, including the deep brain stimulation device enabling in situ local field potential recording during stimulation, the first remote programming system for neuromodulation across China, the first 3.0 T MRI compatible device and the novel variant-frequency stimulation paradigm using alternating low- and high-frequency stimulation. These achievements can not only benefit the patients with improved treatment, meet their urgent medical needs, but also open up a window to study the mechanisms underlying many brain related diseases and provide a unique opportunity for the brain science research.


1.First Prize,Beijing Science and Technology Award, “The key technology, system, and clinical application of Deep Brain Stimulation”, 2015.

2.First Prize, Huang Jiasi Biomedical Engineering Award, “The development and industrialization of Deep Brain Stimulation”, 2015.

3.The 17th China Patent Excellence Award, “An implantable neural electric pulse stimulation system”, 2015.

4.Outstanding representative achievements of Chinese Health Programme Committee, “R&D of Deep Brain Stimulation – from tracking, paralleling, to leading”, 2015.

5.“Top Ten Science & Technology Advances of Chinese College ” of The Ministry of Education China, 2012.

6. Patent award, Higher research outstanding achievement of The Ministry of Education China, 2010.


Prof. Li is author to more than 160 academic papers and applies for more than 100 patents, in which 42 has been authorized.


1. ChangqingJiang, LumingLi*, HongweiHao. Carbonnanotube yarns for deep brain stimulation electrode, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2011, 19(6), 612-616.

2. Xing Qian, Hongwei Hao, Bozhi Ma, Xiongwei Wen, Chunhua Hu, Luming Li*, Roy Yuen-chi Lau, Xia Guo. Programmable and implantable neurostimulator with novel stimulus waveforms for rat models, Electronics Letters, 2012, 48(17).

3. Fu Xu, Luming Li*, Xiaojie Cui. Fabrication of Aligned Side-by-Side TiO2/SnO2 Nanofibers by Dual-Opposite-Spinneret Electrospinning, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2012, Article ID 575926.

4. Changqing Jiang, Hongwei Hao, Luming Li*. Artifact properties of carbon nanotube yarn electrode in magnetic resonance imaging, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2013, 10: 026013.

5. Shaobo Chen, Qingfeng Li, Weiming Wang, Bozhi Ma, Hongwei Hao, Luming Li*. In Vivo Experimental Study of Thermal Problemsfor Rechargeable Neurostimulators, Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface, 2013, 16, 436-442.

6. Ying Chen, Hongwei Hao, Yuxing Hu, Luming Li*. Wireless wrist-wearable wake/sleep identification device for closed-loop deep brain stimulation, Electronics Letters, 2013, 49(7), 452-453.

7. Xing Qian, HongweiHao, Bozhi Ma, Xiongwei Wen, Chunhua Hu, Luming Li*. Implanted rechargeable electroencephalography (EEG) device. Electronics Letters. 2014, 50(20), 1419-1421.

8. Changqing Jiang, Xiaolong Mo, Jianqi Ding, Yantao Dong, Feng Zhang, HongweiHao, Luming Li*. Deep brain stimulation lead design to reduce radio frequency heating in MRI. Electronics Letters. 2014, 50(25), 1898-900.

9. Fu Xu, Xiaolong Mo, Sen Wan, Changqing Jiang, HongweiHao, Luming Li*. High-performance flexural fatigue of carbon nanotube yarns. Chin. Sci. Bull. 2014, 59(29-30), 3831–3834.

10. FuminJia, Yi Guo, Sen Wan, Hao Chen, HongweiHao, Jianguo Zhang, Luming Li*. Variable frequency stimulation of subthalamic nucleus for freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsonism and related disorders. 2015, 10.002.

11. Qingfeng Li, Shaobo Chen, Weiming Wang, HongweiHao, Luming Li*. Rechargeable neurostimulator with H-shape fractal slots in the PCB copper layers. Electronics Letters. 2015, 51(11), DOI: 10.1049/el.2014.4424.

12. Xing Qian, HongweiHao, Ying Chen, Luming Li*. Wake/sleep Identification Based on Body Movement for Parkinson’s Disease Patients. Journal of medical and biological engineering. 2015, 35(4), 517-527.

13. Qingfeng Li, Shaobo Chen, Weiming Wang, HongweiHao, Luming Li*. Characteristics of the induced voltage between deep brain stimulation (DBS) device electrodes by a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) device. Science china technological sciences. 2015, 58(6), 1062-1071.

14. Bo Li, Changqing Jiang, Luming Li*, Jianguo Zhang, Dawei Meng. Automated Segmentation and Reconstruction of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Parkinson's Disease Patients. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface. 2015,DOI: 10.1111/ner.12350

15. Changqing Jiang, Xiaolong Mo, Yantao Dong, FangangMeng, HongweiHao, Jianguo Zhang, Xiqiao Feng, Luming Li*. An Experimental Study of Deep Brain Stimulation Lead Fracture: Possible Fatigue Mechanisms and Prevention Approach. Neuromodulation: technology at the neural Interface. 2015,18:243-8.

16. Fumin Jia, Yi Guo, Sen Wan, Hao Chen, Hongwei Hao, Jianguo Zhang, Luming Li*. Patient perspectives on the efficacy of a new kind of rechargeable deep brain stimulators. International Journal of Neuroscience.2015, DOI:10.3109/00207454.2015.1092145.

17. Qingfeng Li, Shaobo Chen, Weiming Wang, Hongwei Hao, Luming Li*. Improving the efficiency of magnetic coupling energy transfer by etching fractal patterns in the shielding metals. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering. 2015, ISSN2095-9230.


1. CN201110030598.5 “Implantable bioelectrode And its production methods”.

2. ZL201110084267.X “Plexus stimulation system, nerve plexus stimulation”.

3. CN201110105062.5 “An extension lead for implantable nerve stimulation system”.

4. CN201110231234.3 “Implantable bioelectrode and include medical component of the electrode”.

5. ZL201210097716.9 “Epilepsy detection and intervention device based on EEG”.

6. CN201210097718.8 “Integrated closed-loop deep brain stimulator Based on the detection of sleep”.

7. CN201210183919.X “Wireless communication device for implantable medical devices”.

8. CN201210336920.1 “Feed through connector and method of manufacture for implantable medical devices”.

9. CN201210402736.2 “A ceramic feed through for implantable electrical

stimulators and the method of manufacturing the same”.

10. CN201210330922.X “An implantable electrode and the method of manufacturing the same, and the medical components comprising the same”.

5.  CBME013, Oct.2013


1. Japan-China Joint Workshop on Bio, Material and Flow Dynamics, Feb. 2012

2. Shanghai Emerging MediTech Symposium 2012, Mar. 2012

3. The 3rd Maintenance & Interdisciplinary Science Summer School,Jul.2012.

4. The Third Chinese Neuromodulation Conference, Sep. 2012

5.  Eastern Forum on Science and Technology, Oct. 2012

Before 2011

1. Tsinghua-Tiantan Forum on Clinical Neuroscience, Mar. 2011

2. The Second Chinese Neuromodulation Conference, Nov. 2011

3. The FirstAsian Congress of Neuromodulation Congress. Invited and Co-President, 2010.

4. 2nd International Conference on Neuroprosthetic Devices, 2010.2-27-28 (ICNPD-2010), 2010.

5. 14th international syposum of applied magnetics and mechanics, 2009.

6. BioEco, 2009.

7.17th World Conference on NDT, Chair Technical Session, 2008.

8.2008 Far East Forum on Nondestructive Testing, 2008.

9. Life Science Partnering China Europe, Shanghai, 16-18, 2007.